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May 5, 2016
in praise of shadows - so it goes magazine
Venturing to the outskirts of East London, I enter one of the many warehouse complexes that occupy what was previously an industrially...

Jun 1, 2015
brilliant things to do in june - another magazine
Conrad Armstrong's exhibition INTO THE FOREST included in the top things to do in June 2015 by Another Magazine "London artist Conrad...

May 15, 2015
daniel’s value and ideas #69: into the forest - FAD magazine
The 14th Century Welsh poem, The Battle of the Trees, tells the story of how the enchanter Gwydion animates all the trees in the forest...

Dec 12, 2011
young artists step into a larger landscape - east anglian daily times
Two young artists are taking a deep breath this weekend as they stage their very first exhibition. Nineteen year old Jelly Green and...

Aug 4, 2009
the common touch - south london press
First ever press clipping of Conrad Armstrong as an artist. South London Press covering the story of the young Armstrong painting on...
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